Brandon Schulenburg

Data Science & Economics

Age: 28
[email protected]
About me

Economist with 6+ yrs of experience in both the private and public sector, results-oriented with a data-driven mindset.

Creating data-inspired business insights

With years of experience in data analytics and economic research, as well as business analysis I have mastered the skills of understanding stakeholders requirements and strategizing to achieve our goals. I have worked with several different entities: from businesses to city councils so you can rely on me for yours.

Since I was getting my degree in economics I was working across different areas, I was eager to learn the best practices from all of them: data processing and visualization, problem solving, forecasting, operational supervision, budget planning, amongst many skills. Having worked on various projects that reached their goals, I can help you with the best possible suggestions and ideas that we can proceed with. Count on my experience and analytical reasoning to achieve the targets set, it’s all about the insights data, logic and creativity can offer .

What I do

Understanding stakeholders requirements, devising a strategy, working the data and delivering the final product, I do everything that falls in between these lines.


Once we identified the problem to solve, data has to be gathered and sorted properly. Data its only useful if it’s reliable, comprehensive and current.


Having useful data it’s time to get the insights needed to answer our initial question keeping the analysis adjusted to the stakeholders expectations.


Last but not least, comunicating in an effective way guarantee stakeholders get enough useful information to take on data-driven business decisions.





Office MS


Tableau (ongoing training)

R (ongoing training)

Stata & EViews

My Experience


Sytrenx Transportation, S.A. de C.V.

Logistics Manager

I led the logistics of the company: supervising and approving routes based on expected utility and expenses, amongst many other responsabilities. Reporting to the general manager, everything backed up by data evidence.


Naucalpan City Council

Adviser and Analyst

I was responsible for all the data analysis needed to support and submit ordinances seeking to generate substancial improvement in the inhabitants of the city as well as the speeches to present it. Also conducted investigation on the economic situation and budget execution of the City Water Organism, along with proposals to improve its financial and operational perfomance.


Mexican Senate

Adviser for the VP of the Senate Board

I was a part of an amazing multidisciplinary research team as a statistician/economics lead working to build up law initiatives. We also developed a City Council Management Indicator.
